
rgxg (ReGular eXpression Generator) is a C library and a command-line tool that generate (extended) regular expressions.

What does it do?

rgxg can be useful for generating expressions that match, for example, a specific number range (e.g. 0 to 31 or 00 to FF) or all addresses in a CIDR block (e.g. or 2001:db8:aaaa::/64).

rgxg command-line tool examples

Get rgxg

stable release rgxg-0.1.2.tar.gz
GPG signature rgxg-0.1.2.tar.gz.asc
release date 12 Apr 2020


rgxg is included in the following distributions. Please use the corresponding command to install rgxg.

Please open an issue at the rgxg.github.io repository on GitHub if rgxg is included in your distribution but not listed above.


Both the tarball releases and the tags of the git repository are signed by the PGP key of Hannes von Haugwitz.

The current public key is:

pub   4096R/68E7B931 2011-06-28 [expires: 2021-06-27]
      Key fingerprint = 2BBB D30F AAB2 9B32 53BC  FBA6 F694 7DAB 68E7 B931
uid                  Hannes von Haugwitz <hannes@vonhaugwitz.com>
The key can be downloaded from one of the well known PGP key servers.
Please always verify the signature of a release before using it (see below).

Source tarballs

The source code of the current version can be downloaded here.
Use the following command to verify the signature of the downloaded source tarball (see README file for details):
gpg --verify rgxg-<VERSION_NUMBER>.tar.gz.asc


The rgxg git repository is hosted on GitHub.
Use the following command to verify the signature of a git tag (see README file for details):
git verify-tag v<VERSION_NUMBER>


rgxg is licensed under zlib/libpng License.

Bug reports / feature requests

Before reporting, please make sure that the bug still exists in the current GIT version of rgxg.
Please report bugs and feature requests to the rgxg issue tracker on GitHub.

Who's behind rgxg?

rgxg is written and maintained by Hannes von Haugwitz. For the mail address please see the AUTHORS file.

Last Update: 19 Mai 2024